Prehistory  /  European Prehistory
Unter Hügeln (band 1) Cover Unter Hügeln (band 1) Cover
Pages: 538
ISBN: 9789464280494
Pub Date: 25 Apr 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 164fc / 9 bw
Pages: 538
ISBN: 9789464280487
Pub Date: 25 Apr 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 164fc / 9 bw
Mit der Bronzezeit verbreitete sich das begehrte neue Metall über ganz Europa. Es veränderte Arbeitssektoren, Netzwerke, Weltanschauungen und Gesellschaften und brachte unterschiedliche Transformationen in diversen Lebensbereichen mit sich. Mit diesem Buch werden alle Transformationsprozesse der Bronzezeit für den Raum Schleswig-Holstein in den Blick genommen.
Unter Hügeln (band 2) Cover Unter Hügeln (band 2) Cover
Pages: 446
ISBN: 9789464280524
Pub Date: 25 Apr 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 261fc / 120 bw
Pages: 446
ISBN: 9789464280517
Pub Date: 25 Apr 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 261fc / 120 bw
Mit der Bronzezeit verbreitete sich das begehrte neue Metall über ganz Europa. Es veränderte Arbeitssektoren, Netzwerke, Weltanschauungen und Gesellschaften und brachte unterschiedliche Transformationen in diversen Lebensbereichen mit sich. Mit diesem Buch werden alle Transformationsprozesse der Bronzezeit für den Raum Schleswig-Holstein in den Blick genommen.
Picturing the Bronze Age Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9781789259858
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2023
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Swedish Rock Art Research
Illustrations: fully color illustrated
Pictures from the Bronze Age are numerous, vivid and complex. There is no other prehistoric period that has produced such a wide range of images spanning from rock art to figurines to decoration on bronzes and gold. Fourteen papers, with a geographical coverage from Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula, examine a wide range of topics reflecting the many forms and expressions of Bronze Age imagery encompassing important themes including religion, materiality, mobility, interaction, power and gender.
Complexity and dynamics Cover Complexity and dynamics Cover
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789464270433
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 73fc / 1bw
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789464270426
Pub Date: 14 Mar 2023
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 73fc / 1bw
How did people organize their settlements in later prehistoric societies? How do architecture, spatial organization, land divisions, and landscape use relate to different modes of social organization? The papers in this book contribute to a greater understanding of the complexity and dynamics of settlement and landscape organization in the Nordic countries from the Late Bronze Age to the Renaissance.
Temple People Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 512
ISBN: 9781913344078
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2023
Imprint: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Series: Fragility and Sustainability - Studies on Early Malta, the ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project
The ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project (Fragility and sustainability in small island environments: adaptation, culture change and collapse in prehistory, 2013–18) led by Caroline Malone has focused on the unique Temple Culture of Neolithic Malta and its antecedents. This third volume builds on the achievements of Mortuary customs in prehistoric Malta, published by the McDonald Institute in 2009. It seeks to answer many questions posed, but left unanswered, of the more than 200,000 fragments of mainly commingled human remains from the Xagħra Brochtorff Circle on Gozo.
Settlement in the Irish Neolithic Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781789258820
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2022
Imprint: Oxbow Books
Series: Prehistoric Society Research Papers
Illustrations: B/w
The Irish Neolithic has been dominated by the study of megalithic tombs, but the defining element of Irish settlement evidence is the rectangular timber Early Neolithic house, the numbers of which have more than quadrupled in the last ten years. The substantial Early Neolithic timber house was a short-lived architectural phenomenon of as little as 90 years, perhaps like short-lived Early Neolithic long barrows and causewayed enclosures. This book explores the wealth of evidence for settlement and houses throughout the Irish Neolithic, in relation to Britain and continental Europe.
Keramik jenseits von 'Kulturen' Cover Keramik jenseits von 'Kulturen' Cover
Pages: 504
ISBN: 9789464280463
Pub Date: 23 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Open Series in Prehistoric Archaeology
Illustrations: 156fc / 56bw
Pages: 4220
ISBN: 9789464280456
Pub Date: 23 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Open Series in Prehistoric Archaeology
Illustrations: 156fc / 56bw
Mobilität ist für Formen des sozialen Zusammenlebens grundlegend. Doch welche Rolle spielte räumliche Mobilität in der Vergangenheit? Aus prähistorischen Zeitabschnitten wie etwa dem Neolithikum ist dazu noch immer wenig bekannt.
The Baltic in the Bronze Age Cover The Baltic in the Bronze Age Cover
Pages: 430
ISBN: 9789464270198
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 94fc / 48bw
Pages: 430
ISBN: 9789464270181
Pub Date: 15 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 94fc / 48bw
The Bronze Age is a time of increasing interaction with large-scale connections that cover vast parts of Europe. Some parts and regions of the Bronze Age are very well explored and for some very strong narratives of hierarchisation and differentiation, dependence on external raw material supplies and specialisation have been proposed. In other regions, however, only some of these aspects appear, even though networks of contact would at least have been possible.
The Life and Journey of Neolithic Copper Objects Cover The Life and Journey of Neolithic Copper Objects Cover
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9789464270310
Pub Date: 08 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 37fc / 50bw
Pages: 190
ISBN: 9789464270303
Pub Date: 08 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Scales of Transformation
Illustrations: 37fc / 50bw
This work is an intensive study of the Neolithic deposition of copper objects from Neuenkirchen in North-East Germany. This unique ensemble represents one of the very rare hoard finds from the early Early Neolithic, and is the first of its kind for nearly 100 years, matched only by the famous younger hoard find from Bygholm (Denmark).The beginning of neolithization at the end of the fifth millennium is not only characterised by a change in the subsistence strategy, but also by the development of far-reaching networks of the Neolithic Funnel Beaker societies in Northern Germany.
Hidden dimensions Cover Hidden dimensions Cover
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9789464261264
Pub Date: 03 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 62fc / 22bw
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9789464261257
Pub Date: 03 Nov 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 62fc / 22bw
The modelling and representation of prehistoric hunter-gatherer behaviours is largely influenced by the investigation of sites with high archaeological visibility, due to the presence of large amounts of knapped lithics, which generally survive the ravages of time. As a consequence, behaviours which were not, or to a limited extent, associated with stone tools are underrepresented in archaeological narratives about hunter-gatherer lifestyles, which, however, have characterised most of the human past. Occasionally, at sites where preservation conditions are good, archaeological finds point to the importance of organic resources for tools and the manufacturing of a broad range of use items, such as clothing, footwear, containers, as well as tent covers and mats.
Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr. Cover Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr. Cover
Pages: 524
ISBN: 9789464270228
Pub Date: 25 Oct 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Open Series in Prehistoric Archaeology
Illustrations: 200fc / 108bw
Pages: 524
ISBN: 9789464270211
Pub Date: 25 Oct 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Open Series in Prehistoric Archaeology
Illustrations: 200fc / 108bw
Seeufersiedlungen mit Feuchtbodenerhaltung sind für die Erforschung des Neolithikums des Alpenvorlandes von herausragender Bedeutung. Die ausserordentlich gute Erhaltung der Siedlungsschichten lässt weitgehende Einblicke in die Lebensweise der prähistorischen Menschen zu. Das Hinterland der grossen Seen ist im Gegensatz dazu weniger gut untersucht.
Settling Waterscapes in Europe Cover Settling Waterscapes in Europe Cover
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9789464270259
Pub Date: 28 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 104fc / 29bw
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9789464270242
Pub Date: 28 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 104fc / 29bw
Pile dwellings have been explored over a vast region for a number of decades now. This has led to the development of different ways, methods, and even schools of under-water and peat-bog excavation practices and data analysis techniques under the influence of different research traditions in individual countries. On the one hand, these and other factors can limit our understanding of the past, whilst on the other hand they can also open up further avenues of interpretation.
A Call to Arms Cover A Call to Arms Cover
Pages: 226
ISBN: 9789464261059
Pub Date: 22 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Pages: 226
ISBN: 9789464261042
Pub Date: 22 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
One day, sometime around 1700 BC, a bronzesmith made the first sword. This marked a technological turning point, giving rise to an arms race that has never since ceased. Soon, over a vast area between the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of weapons were manufactured.
Technological Styles in the Jebel Gharbi Lithic Industries of the Late Pleistocene (North-Western Libya) Cover Technological Styles in the Jebel Gharbi Lithic Industries of the Late Pleistocene (North-Western Libya) Cover
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789464280289
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 90bw/5fc
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789464280272
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 90bw/5fc
The study of the human societies of the Final Pleistocene of North Africa requires an in-depth analysis of the techno-typological characteristics of the microlithic industries that were widespread in the whole Mediterranean area during the period between 24000 and 10000 years ago. Most of the research projects in Maghreb and Libya were carried out decades ago. At the time sediments were rarely sieved and the small lithic tools, so characteristic of this period, were often lost.
Doggerland Cover Doggerland Cover
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789464261141
Pub Date: 08 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 60fc / 40bw
Pages: 210
ISBN: 9789464261134
Pub Date: 08 Sep 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 60fc / 40bw
This popular-science book tells the story of one of the most important, but least known major archaeological sites in Europe: Doggerland. Few people know that the beaches along the North Sea lie on the edge of a vast lost world. A prehistoric landscape that documents almost a million years of human habitation and lay dry for most of that time.
Flintknapping from the Late Glacial to the Early Holocene Cover Flintknapping from the Late Glacial to the Early Holocene Cover
Pages: 420
ISBN: 9789464280319
Pub Date: 28 Jun 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 154fc/139bw
Pages: 420
ISBN: 9789464280302
Pub Date: 28 Jun 2022
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 154fc/139bw
This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Kerkhove on the other hand lived in the temperate and forested environments of the subsequent Early Holocene period.