Format: Paperback
Pages: 132
ISBN: 9780955339356
Pub Date: 17 Jan 2013
Imprint: Sam Fogg
The Lygo Collection of Qur’an manuscripts, which date from around a century after the Prophet Muhammad’s death in 632 CE to the middle of the 16th century, includes pages from some of the most celebrated manuscripts of the period as well as lesser-known ones, and provide a comprehensive overview of stylistic developments in Qur’anic calligraphy and illumination. During the period represented by this outstanding collection, the scriptsand formats used for copying and illuminating the Holy Word multiplied and developed – visual testimony to the extraordinary exchange of ideas that took place under the ’Abbasid dynasty, which stretched at its height from the Atlantic to the borders of China. The consistent esteem in which the art of the calligrapher was held across the Islamic world reflected the status of the Qur’an as the unmediated word of Allah and its centrality to the notions of Islamic culture and identity.