Aarhus University Press

Aarhus University Press is a commercial Foundation which was inaugurated in 1985 for the purpose of disseminating the results of scientific research, as well as other scientific activity within the University of Aarhus. The Foundation is managed by a board of at least 5 and maximum of 13 members appointed by the Academic Council of the University on the recommendation of the Rector on the basis of proposals from the main areas.

Posthuman Condition

Ethics, Aesthetics & Politics of Biotechnological Challenges
Format: Paperback
Pages: 227
ISBN: 9788779345706
Pub Date: 01 Oct 2012
If biotechnology can be used to "upgrade" humans physically and mentally, should it be used at all? And, if so, to what extent? How will biotechnology affect societal cohesion?
Dzarylgac Survey Project Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 675
ISBN: 9788779345218
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2012
Series: Black Sea Studies
Illustrations: colour & b/w photos & illus
This book is a publication of the Danish-Dutch-Ukrainian survey project carried out between 2006 and 2008. The project introduced the systematic, intensive survey to the region. It took place at both sides of Lake Džarylga -- that is the hinterland of the ancient Greek settlement of Panskoe I in the Tarchankut Peninsula (Western Crimea).

Three Conceptions of Human Rights

Format: Paperback
Pages: 475
ISBN: 9788787564601
Pub Date: 19 Jul 2012
This study argues that we cannot reasonably keep on speaking as though there is only one conception of human rights. The consensus around certain core rights, though important, hides the fact that very different moral sensibilities are at work. The American and French declarations from the 18th century originate in a very different moral sensibility than the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948.

Scientists & Scholars in the Field

Studies in the History of Fieldwork & Expeditions
Format: Hardback
Pages: 475
ISBN: 9788771240146
Pub Date: 15 Jun 2012
For centuries the practice of undertaking fieldwork and expeditions has been adopted as an essential part of research by scientists and scholars from diverse disciplines. As a method of collecting on-site data through observation, the practice is shared by disciplines ranging from biology and botany, through geology, geography, and archaeology to anthropology, linguistics, and folklore studies. Presenting 17 essays by 17 scholars from almost as many disciplines of knowledge, this volume contains a rich tapestry of stories from -- and about -- 'the field', from early modern times until the present day.
Excavating The Mind Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788779342170
Pub Date: 31 May 2012
Illustrations: illus
This book deals with the relationship between the material culture of humans, i.e. our technologies, arts and environments, and our mental worlds.
Red-Figure Pottery in its Ancient Setting Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9788771240511
Pub Date: 31 May 2012
What happened when Athenian pottery reached other cultural contexts and was absorbed into indigenous communities around or outside Greece? How did the various contexts influence the adaption of Athenian iconography and does the setting add to an understanding of how Athenian iconographic themes were altered or absorbes as they entered into new cultural contexts? To highlight these interpretative challenges the National Museum of Denmark in 2009 stages the colloquium "Red-figure Pottery in its Ancient Setting" and invited a group of specialists to present cases from within their areas of research which would serve to enhance our understanding of the great range of the character and value of red-figure pottery and its imagery whether in local Greek, a colonial Greek, en Etruscan or any other indigenous community.

Ancient Harbours of the Piraeus

The Zea Shipsheds & Slipways 15.1 + 15.2
Format: Hardback
Pages: 488
ISBN: 9788771240078
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2012
Volume 15.1: Architecture and Topography.
Archaeology Of Medieval Europe Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 550
ISBN: 9788779342910
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2012
Illustrations: illus
The two volumes of "The Archaeology of Medieval Europe" together comprise the first complete account of Medieval Archaeology across the continent. This ground-breaking set will enable readers to track the development of different cultures and regions over the 800 years that formed the Europe we have today. In addition to revealing the process of Europeanisation, within its shared intellectual and technical inheritance, the complete work provides an opportunity for demonstrating the differences that were inevitably present across the continent -- from Iceland to Sicily and Portugal to Finland.
Archaeology of Medieval Europe Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 550
ISBN: 9788779342897
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2012
Illustrations: illus
The two volumes of "The Archaeology of Medieval Europe" together comprise the first complete account of Medieval Archaeology across the continent. This ground-breaking set will enable readers to track the development of different cultures and regions over the 800 years that formed the Europe we have today. In addition to revealing the process of Europeanisation, within its shared intellectual and technical inheritance, the complete work provides an opportunity for demonstrating the differences that were inevitably present across the continent -- from Iceland to Sicily and Portugal to Finland.
RRP: £64.00
Kalydon in Aitolia I & II -- 2-Volume Set Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 640
ISBN: 9788772886282
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2012
Illustrations: illus
Volume 1: Field Work & Studies. Volume 2: Catalogues.
LM IB Pottery Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 656
ISBN: 9788779345737
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2012
Illustrations: colour & b/w photos
Acts of a workshop held at the Danish Institute of Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007.
Pottery in the Archaeological Record Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9788779345874
Pub Date: 31 Jan 2012
Archaeologist are increasingly focusing on the transformation of artefacts from their use in the past to theri appearance in the archaeological record, trying to identiy the natural and cultural processes that created the archaeological record we study today. In Classical Archaeology, attention to these processes received an impetus by J. Theodore Peña's 2007 monograph, Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record, which considered how ceramic vessels were made, used and stayed in use serving various secondary purposes, before finally being discarded.
Confronting Universalities Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 365
ISBN: 9788779345553
Pub Date: 17 Jan 2012
Series: Acta Jutlandica Humanities Series
The universe is expanding, the world has gone global, and the US has launched a crusade to export the universal right to democracy to every part of the world. Under the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that the concept of universality is making a remarkable comeback in aesthetic and political theory. The meaning of the world, however, seems more contested than ever.
School for Life Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 440
ISBN: 9788771240023
Pub Date: 13 Jan 2012
Illustrations: illus
Book & CD. N F S Grundtvig (1783-1872) produced a major body of work in the fields of theology, education, literature, politics, and history. He was also a poet, a hymn-writer, and a translator.
Learning from the Other Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 394
ISBN: 9788787564588
Pub Date: 13 Jan 2012
This is the first comprehensive attempt at developing intercultural metalogues (ie: dialogues talking about how best to talk about intercultural problems). This book fills a remarkably empty spot in Nordic literature and philosophy on intercultural dialogue. In Part I: intercultural encounters, the metalogues stage encounters with "the other" on the Bosporus, on the Trans-Siberian and elsewhere, asking: how may meetings meet, be approached, talked about and created?
Narrating Peoplehood Amidst Diversity Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 345
ISBN: 9788779345690
Pub Date: 13 Jan 2012
Series: MatchPoints Series
Telling stories is an essential part of being human: We tell stories about ourselves to show other people who we are and where we belong. Nations have stories to tell too - "stories of peoplehood" - that build and maintain a sense of national belonging and identity. The concept has been used to analyse identities, memories, and histories of individuals, communities and nations.