
Australian Scholarly Publishing (ASP) is a leading independent publisher of scholarly & general books. Established in 1991, it releases 80 books a year under its Australian Scholarly & International Scholarly (academic), Arden (general & art books), Tantanoola (fiction) and Chancery Bold (law) imprints.

Dignity in a Teacup Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 242
ISBN: 9781925984408
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
Dignity in a Teacup' chronicles the five years Christine Cummins spent working as a torture and trauma counsellor with asylum seekers detained on Christmas Island, Australia’s remote Indian Ocean outpost. It provides a first-hand account of Australian immigration detention during a period of dramatic change and controversy. With exclusive access to the stories shared by hundreds of asylum seekers, Christine describes the reasons people were forced to flee their homelands.
Dislocation Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 302
ISBN: 9781925984200
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
War and its aftermath change the lives of everyone they touch. In 1946 the Japanese War Crime Trials begin in Tokyo, where General MacArthur is initiating his grand strategy for converting Japan to a democracy and a bastion against Asian communism. Bill Liston, an Australian law lecturer conscripted to assist in the prosecutions, is embroiled in the dubious legal manoeuverings and questionable summary justice.
Fighting Monsters Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 586
ISBN: 9781925984392
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
Only six escapees survived the Sandakan death marches of 1945 in North Borneo, the worst atrocity ever inflicted on Australian soldiers. 1787 Australian and 641 British POWs perished. Previous descriptions of the numerous violent acts have yielded little understanding of a situation where the real struggle was to keep one’s humanity when so many were losing theirs, whether Allied POWs, local residents of Borneo, Javanese slave labourers, or Japanese soldiers.
Old Old Age Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9781925984361
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
This is about the ‘old old’, not the physically lively sixty- and seventy-year-olds, but octogenarians having a voice. The eighties are when it all begins to crumble. This book gives the young and middle-aged insights into the world of the elderly.
On Bondi Beach Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781925984385
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
On Bondi Beach tells the story of a day in Bondi by allowing residents and visitors to tell their stories. The beach changes as the day passes. Different people arrive and leave, and as their lives and stories intersect, those being talked about become those who are talking.
Politics of Forgetting Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 432
ISBN: 9781925984217
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
New Zealand, with close ties to Britain, was heavily involved in the war against Nazi Germany on the battle lines in Greece, Crete, the Middle East, North Africa and Italy. The experience was eye-opening for the new emerging nation, and a lasting bond between New Zealand and Greece was formed. Greece was a poor country in turmoil and pain during the 1940s.
The Hong Kong Letters Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 246
ISBN: 9781925984422
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
In the late sixties when the Beatles are top of the charts and Twiggy is hitting the catwalk, Gill embarks on a life-changing journey to Hong Kong. Mao’s revolution is at its height. Vietnam has become America’s longest war with no end in sight.
The Passage of the Damned Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 252
ISBN: 9781925984378
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
In an extraordinary move, in 1797, the British government pressed a small group of French and German prisoners of war into the New South Wales Corps, gave them firearms and placed them as guards on a ship carrying sixty-six convict women and two convict men to New South Wales. The result was a mutiny some months into the voyage in which the captain of the Lady Shore was killed and the fates of all of those on board were tied together when the ship was taken to South America. The true story of what happened to those on board is told here in detail for the first time, in part through the eyes of sailor George Drinkald whose fascinating and articulate first-hand testimony has recently emerged.
The Quiet Invasion Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 404
ISBN: 9781925984224
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2020
Imprint: Arden
The European settlement of the ‘Great Southern Land’, today’s Australia, is a story of first contact between European and Indigenous peoples, colonisation, disease and famine, misunderstandings and arrogant mindedness, tragedy and resilience. What really happened after the First Fleet arrived after sailing across the world to a land Europeans had barely touched upon and knew very little about? ‘Quiet Invasion’ is the true history of today’s Sydney’s first four years.