Czech Institute of Egyptology
The Czech Institute of Egyptology was founded in 1958, as a successor to the Egyptological Seminar at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. Its founding father was Frantisek Lexa, an expert in Late Egyptian writing. The first fieldwork undertaken by the new Institute in the 1960s was in Nubia, where Prague Egyptologists took an active part in the rescue of Nubian sites and artefacts from dam construction. The Nubian series of Institute publications, published mainly in the 1970s and 1980s, are particularly important as they are the sole record of sites that are no longer accessible to researchers. The Institute started work at its most famous excavation site, Abusir, just after beginning its Nubian campaign. Abusir, the northernmost part of the Saqqara necropolis, has produced an unexpected richness of material, including a royal cemetery of 5th Dynasty pyramids, a Necropolis of officials dating from the 4th to 6th Dynasties, and Saite-Persian shaft tombs. The excavations are still continuing, with only a few months break every year during the intense heat of the summer months. Studies at the Abusir necropolis are making huge contributions to our knowledge of the society and culture of the Memphite region. Recently, a new area has been added to the Czech archaeological permit area - a zone in Western desert, in the area of Hayez, Bahariya oasis, and work is starting there. A range of archaeological works at the site are published in the Abusir series, which now extends to number VII. The archaeological reports on Abusir are not the only part of their publishing activities – these include also broader syntheses and future plans include a special series devoted to the heritage of Ancient and Islamic Egypt. A short series will also report on the Hayez expedition. Future plans also include a dissertation series. The future looks bright for Czech Egyptology, now celebrating over 50 years of scholarship. The recent merging of the Institute with the National Centre for Egyptology has brought the financial and scholarly resources of the discipline together and, in the next few years, it is hoped that the program of publications will become ever larger and more prestigious.
Old Hieratic Palaeography I Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 73
ISBN: 9788073083878
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2011
Times, Signs and Pyramids Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 449
ISBN: 9788073082574
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2011

The Rock Art of Lower Nubia (Czechoslovak Concession

Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9788073083939
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2011
The present publication is concerned with the rock art from two sections of the Nile Valley in Lower Nubia surveyed in the scope of the UNESCO-organised salvage campaign by the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology (Charles University in Prague). It has two main objects, first to complete the catalogue of the rock art documented or localised in the two sections of the Czechoslovak concession with hitherto unpublished rock-art surfaces and occurrences (both petroglyphs and rock paintings) and, second, to provide a critical revision of the data published in Katalog der Felsbilder aus der Tschechoslowakischen Konzession in Nubien (edited by F. Váhala and P.
Icons of Power Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 228
ISBN: 9788073083793
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2011
This is the discussion of the concept of alterity and icons in the Egyptian New Kingdom war reliefs. The concept of drama, and how it is present in these narrative representations is also covered.
Ancient Echoes in the Culture of Modern Egypt Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9788073083885
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2011
The book presents selected aspects of the legacy that ancient Egypt left on the culture of Coptic, Islamic and modern Egypt. Ancient origin can be traced in numerous different sources and thus the papers in the volume approach the subject from different perspectives. Many connections can be found in the Egyptian traditions in general, as well as in certain specific practices.
Abusir XXII Cover
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9788073083892
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2011
The volume is dedicated to several small tombs built of mud-bricks, which are located to the east of the mastaba of vizier Qar and west of the mastaba of Neferinpu in Abusir South. The tomb of Kaiemtjenenet dates to the late Fifth Dynasty, and both earlier and later structures were identified not only around it but also underneath. In addition, several Sixth Dynasty structures were constructed to the east and north-east of the tomb.
RRP: £70.00
It is My Good Name That You Should Remember Cover
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9788073083823
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2011
The volume represents the first part of a planned two-volume series. It presents biographical texts from stelae of Dynasties 11-12 in hieroglyphs, transliteration and translation. The texts are arranged by dynasty, and within the two dynasties by provenance.
The Rock Paintings of Lower Nubia (Czechoslovak Concession) Cover
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9788087025291
Pub Date: 14 Nov 2011
The monograph is the first exhaustive publication of nine shelters with rock paintings documented by the Czechoslovak expedition in Lower Nubia in the scope of the UNESCO-organised salvage campaign in the 1960s. The presentation of each of the painted shelters includes description of the landscape setting and physical characteristics of the rock surfaces, analyses of the thematic, stylistic, syntactic, and technical aspects of the rock art, discussion of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the rock-art surface, and evaluation of the significance of the evidence. The final chapter offers some thought on the overall significance of the rock paintings from the Czechoslovak concession as one of the artistic and cultural expressions of the populations that inhabited Lower Nubia in different periods of the past and as historical documents about their past worlds and lives.
Egypt and the Near East - the Crossroads Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 345
ISBN: 9788073083625
Pub Date: 15 Sep 2011
The present volume presents the proceedings from the international workshop entitled Egypt and the Near East - the Crossroads, dedicated to the study of the relations between the two regions. The symposium took place from September 1-3, 2010 at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The main objective of the workshop was to enhance our understanding of the historical processes and the development of the abundant and complex relations between Egypt and the Near East during the period defined by the end of the Chalcolithic Period and the dawn of the Iron Age.
Abusir XVIII Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 223
ISBN: 9788073083465
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2010
The book is divided into sixteen chapters dealing – in a diachronic perspective – with a wide range of problems concerning the development of the royal pyramid necropolis at Abusir. The introductory sections discuss the history of research of the necropolis, the conditions for its formation, the geomorphological situation in the area, the building materials and technologies used and the historical development of the Egyptian state in the late Fourth Dynasty and the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty. The largest part of the book (chapters 8–15) is devoted to the development of the necropolis from the Archaic period until the end of the Old Kingdom.
Die Ägyptologie an den Prager Universitäten 1882-1945 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 178
ISBN: 9788073083410
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2010
Intensive research in the archives of the university and the academy of sciences, especially in the collection of the former German University in Prague, has brought to light an abundance of new material, new insights and hitherto unforeseen connections. They show the beginnings of Egyptology in Bohemia resp. the Czech Republic in an altogether new light, as an Egyptology which had originally defined itself as Bohemian and only later constituted itself as a Czech one.
RRP: £16.60
Abusir XIX Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 387
ISBN: 9788073083250
Pub Date: 18 Dec 2010
The tombs published in this volume of the Abusir series have been excavated during several seasons at Abusir South. The eight tombs are located in the easternmost sector of Abusir South, on the slopes (tombs AS 20 and AS 33) and at the bottom (tombs AS 34-35, 50-53) of a large but low hill, to the north of the so-called Wadi Abusiri. They do not form a single cemetery; rather, they represent different groups of sacral structures that illustrate very well the diachronic development of the Abusir South necropolis during the Old Kingdom (for earlier monographs covering previous excavations see Abusir V and XIII ) and the Late Period-Ptolemaic era.
RRP: £125.00
The Scribe of the Place of Truth Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9788072774654
Pub Date: 01 Dec 2010
Illustrations: plates
In this new biography of Jaroslav Cerny the author reveals Cerny in a number of different lights. His most important role was as one of the world's leading Egyptologists. He became the most famous expert in hieratic texts of the New Kingdom.
Sex and the Golden Goddess I Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 250
ISBN: 9788073082390
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2010
Illustrations: b/w illus
The complete collection of ancient Egyptian love songs, whose texts were first written down in the Ramesside period, is treated in the context of other period sources regarding intimacy and sexuality. The process of gendering and socialising in relation to sexuality is also introduced. The volume will also contain overview tables - ostraca or papyri, their site(s), documentation), publications, etc.
Abusir XX Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 139
ISBN: 9788073082956
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2009
The present volume offers the results of the excavations in two shaft tombs of small dimensions which have been unearthed in the Late Period (Saite-Persian) cemetery at Abusir: the tomb of Padihor and the anonymous tomb R3. The two tombs represent interesting and important counterparts to the much larger burial enclosures of Udjahorresnet, Iufaa and Menekhibnekau situated nearby. They contribute greatly to our knowledge of the development of the funeral architecture, burial habits and religious thought and help improve our understanding of historical developments during the troubled era of the transition between the Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Dynasties.
RRP: £42.50

My Things Changed Things

Format: Paperback
Pages: 262
ISBN: 9788073082796
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2009
The volume contains 27 chapters focusing on the social developments and cultural aspects of contacts in Prehistory, Antiquity and the Middle Ages, extending into the modern era.