Heimdal Publishing was founded by Georges Bernage in 1975 and has an impressive catalogue of books specialising on World War II and the Middle Ages. Known worldwide for highly illustrated books and magazines, Heimdal Publishing works with a range of contributors – from expert university researchers to passionate enthusiasts.
Hastings, La naissance d'un royaume Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9782840484462
Pub Date: 01 Oct 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
October 14, 1066, on the hill of Caldbec the armies of William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinson confronted each other in a bloody battle, which will later be called the battle of Hastings. The victory Normandy obtained on that occasion is still perceived as pivotal in determining the common destiny of the Kingdom of England and the Duchy of Normandy; it is also around this axis that the future of England is determined, giving the idea of how impactful the Normans had been in influencing the Saxon society. Overall, the course of the battle is relatively well known, thanks to the many medieval authors who mention it, or simply through the research that has been done.
Le parler Viking Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9782840484479
Pub Date: 01 Oct 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
The study of medieval Scandinavian society necessarily involves learning Norse language. Its vocabulary should be considered a vestige of the past as much as archaeological artefacts. These words, indeed, allow everyone to establish a direct contact with the medieval civilization of the North.
L'aviation allemande Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 96
ISBN: 9782840484455
Pub Date: 31 Aug 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
The period between the two World Wars is an extremely interesting but largely unknown part of the German aviation history. Signed in June 1919 and promulgated in January 1920, the Treaty of Versailles included many measures to limit the Germany's rearmament: it revoked the right to having tanks, artillery and military aviation, which caused the dissolution of the Luftstreitkräften. However, the Treaty did not damage the aeronautical industry as much, which indeed managed to bypass the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty regarding building vehicles and equipment, especially in other countries.
Objets oubliés Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9782840484318
Pub Date: 31 Jul 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
La phase décisive du débarquement, du 6 au 14 juin 1944, racontéepar les coiffures.Du 6 au 14 juin 1944, en Normandie, le sort du monde va se jouer.Cette première phase décisive du débarquement conduira les alliésdes plages jusqu’à l’enlisement devant Caen.
Three days in Hell Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9782840484554
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
June 7, 1944. The Allies have landed in Normandy, where they have set a bridgehead : yet this one is narrow and fragile. The Canadians sprint on to Carpiquet, but their attack is crushed by panzers of the Hitlerjugend Division that have just rejoined the frontline.
Objectif Carentan Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9782840484561
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
6 juin 1944, deux divisions aéroportées américaines sont larguées à l’est de la Presqu’île du Cotentin. L’une d’elles, la 101st Airborne Division, a pour mission d’ouvrir les sorties de plages pour la 4th Infantry Division qui va débarquer sur Utah Beach mais aussi de dégager les passages sur la Douve, au sud, au milieu des marais pour atteindre et prendre Carentan, petite ville située au coeur de cette zone aquatique mais aussi carrefour stratégique permettant la jonction avec la tête de pont d’Omaha Beach. Prendre Carentan, c’est réunir les forces américaines, un échec isolerait dangereusement les forces ayant pris pied dans le Cotentin.
Paras US au combat Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9782840484295
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
Matthieu Longue nous proposeun récit complet et une analysedétaillée du parcours au combatdu 2e bataillon du 506th ParachuteInfantry Regiment de la101st Airborne, ainsi que les principauxhauts faits d'armes de lamondialement célèbre EasyCompany « Band of Brothers »,avec le concours de vétérans etd'autres spécialistes.En compagnie des paras, lelecteur va suivre, de près, leurentraînement avant de se retrouverau coeur des combats deNormandie, de Hollande, desArdennes et d’Alsace, revivantainsi les moments tragiquesd’une aussi sombre que glorieusepage de l’histoire de l’US Army dela Seconde Guerre mondiale.L'ouvrage comporte de nombreusesdescriptions ainsi quedes organigrammes nous renseignantsur la composition desunités et donnant des informationsprécises sur les armes etles équipements utilisés par lestroupes parachutistes américaines de cette époque.
Jour-J, Ce qu'on ne vous pas dit… Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9782840484448
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
A major event of the Second World War, the landing of June 6, 1944 has been, for more than seventy years, the subject of countless books, films, surveys, reportages and TV series. Nowadays many are aware of the unprecedented technological achievements implied in the planning and construction of two artificial harbours, or of the heroic sacrifice of the Rangers under Lieutenant Colonel James Rudder’s command, who stormed the Pointe du Hoc; or again of the martyrdom the of GIs of the 29th and 1st Divisions of the American infantry on Omaha Beach, which went down in history by the sad name of "Bloody Ohama ". But did you know that the D Day was preceded in late April 1944 by a similar event that took place off the Slapton Sands coast, in Devon, and that caused the death of more than seven hundred soldiers, yet remaining a secret for decades?
Les paras allemands volume 2 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9782840484493
Pub Date: 01 Jun 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
The second of three volumes, this book is part of a series considered the most complete and detailed study on the uniforms and the equipment used by Second World War German paratroopers (Fallschirmjäger). Virtually every element of the uniforms is presented in detail, including different models of parachutes (Knochensack) and all the equipment used by the Luftwaffe from the mid-30s until the capitulation of the Reich, as well as the typical badges of the Fallschirmjäger and many untold stories. In short, this book accompanies the reader through a visual but detailed reconstruction of the operation of "Green Devils" and the attack Norway carried out during the last days of the Third Reich against the Belgian fortress of Eben Emael, but also through the campaigns in Holland, Crete, North Africa, Russia, Italy, Normandy and the Ardennes.
La wekusta 2 au combat Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9782840484301
Pub Date: 31 May 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
The Wekusta 2 was a flying unit of the Luftwaffe used for weather reconnaissance, which historians have hitherto explored only marginally. The history of Wekusta2, however, deserves more consideration. Few were, indeed, the Luftwaffe units that, during the Occupation, had permanently been based in France: the Wekusta2, whose aircrafts took off daily from Lanvéoc Brest, Nantes-Chateau Bougon Mont de Marsan and Bordeaux-Merignac, is one of those.
La légion étrangère en Algérie 1954-1962 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9782840484127
Pub Date: 06 May 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
This detailed study on the uniforms of the French Foreign Legion during the Algerian War presents more than 400 collector’s pieces and around 200 period photos, giving an unprecedented look at this painful war which ended France’s rule in Algeria and, from 1939 to 1962, represented 23 years of uninterrupted combat by the French Foreign Legion. The first part retraces the beginning phases of the history of this elite army on Algerian soil. The second part is dedicated to the uniforms of the soldiers of the Foreign Legion.
Les Troupes d'Assaut de l'Armée Allemande Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9782840484288
Pub Date: 06 May 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
Après Landser, Ordre Noir et Deutsche Luftwaffe, voici un nouveau livrede la même collection sur les troupes de choc de la Première Guerremondiale.Les premières unités d'assaut (Sturmtruppen) ont été formées au coursdu printemps et de l'été de 1916, quand le Sturmbataillon Rohr a étéorganisé et après que le général Falkenhayn, chef de la Ligue de l'Ontario,a donné les ordres pour la création de détachements spéciaux. Cesdétachements avaient pour mission de répandre une nouvelle tactiquequi a transformé de manières décisive les méthodes de combats del’armée allemande.
Les panzers de la HitlerJugend Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 220
ISBN: 9782840484189
Pub Date: 05 May 2016
Imprint: Heimdal
Villers-Bocage is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic actions the Battle of Normandy. Many historians have recounted documented way the events of 13 June 1944, including the destruction of a British armored column by Hauptsturmführer Michael Wittmann in a Tiger I.- TEXT IN FRENCH -
Les Bateaux Vikings Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9782840484141
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2015
Imprint: Heimdal
The author, an archaeologist, is now directing the restoration of a Viking ship in Normandy. In this book, he traces the evolution of this type of clinker-built ship, from the most ancient prototypes (Hjortspring), to the later models (Roskilde), with many detailed plans. He then explains their construction and modes of navigation used, as well as the religious concepts linked to the fantastic figureheads.
À La Soupe! Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 60
ISBN: 9782840483915
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2015
Imprint: Heimdal
2014 marks the centenary of the declaration of the Great War, which devastated daily life and gastronomy for the French, even beyond the conflict. The war saw 8,500,000 Frenchmen mobilised, all of whom needed nourishment three times a day during the 1,500 days of the conflict. French logistics had to deal with this fantastic challenge in record time: the provisioning of four million meals, portioned correctly, to the combatants at the front.
RRP: £39.00
L'enfer du Pacifique Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9782840484172
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2015
Imprint: Heimdal
In this book, Matthew LONG offers us a unique evocation detailed and complete the journey to Eugene B. SLEDGE, using a mortar 1st Marine Division who fought on the front Pacific during the last year war. Describing the battles of the Marines Peleliu and Okinawa, the author relates, step by step, each tragic moment marking the journey of the character warrior central narrative.