Sidestone Press
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From 2012 onwards Sidestone books have been published under one of three different imprints: Sidestone Press Academics, Sidestone Press Dissertations and Sidestone Press.
Seascape Corridors Cover Seascape Corridors Cover
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9789088905780
Pub Date: 14 Sep 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 38fc/72bw
Pages: 340
ISBN: 9789088905773
Pub Date: 14 Sep 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 38fc/72bw
In this book past maritime connections are modeled between indigenous island communities in the Caribbean. It is evaluated how routes connecting islands in the Caribbean.
The Social Museum in the Caribbean Cover The Social Museum in the Caribbean Cover
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9789088905933
Pub Date: 13 Sep 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 60fc
Pages: 270
ISBN: 9789088905926
Pub Date: 13 Sep 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 60fc
A mosaic is the only image which can do justice to museums in the Caribbean. They are as diverse and plentiful as the many communities which form the cores of their organizations and the hearts of their missions. These profoundly social museums adopt participatory practices and embark on community engagement processes in order to embed themselves firmly in contemporary Caribbean societies.
From Microcosm to Macrocosm Cover From Microcosm to Macrocosm Cover
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9789088905995
Pub Date: 05 Sep 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 82fc/59bw
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9789088905988
Pub Date: 05 Sep 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 82fc/59bw
As reflected in the title From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia, both a micro-approach introducing microhistories of individual sites according to recent archaeological fieldwork incorporating interdisciplinary methods as well as general patterns and regional developments in Northeast Africa are discussed. This combination of research questions on the micro-level with the macro-level provides new information about cities and households in Ancient Egypt and Nubia and makes the book unique. Architectural studies as well as analyses of material culture and the new application of microarchaeology, here especially of micromorphology and archaeometric applications, are presented as case studies from sites primarily dating to the New Kingdom (Second Millennium BC).
The most prominent Dutchman in Egypt' Cover The most prominent Dutchman in Egypt' Cover
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9789088905520
Pub Date: 08 Aug 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 56fc/17bw
Pages: 150
ISBN: 9789088905513
Pub Date: 08 Aug 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 56fc/17bw
This volume focuses on J.H. Insinger (1854/1918) as a collector of Ancient Egyptian art and maecenas of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities.
Koloniale mythen en Benedenwindse feiten Cover Koloniale mythen en Benedenwindse feiten Cover
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9789088906039
Pub Date: 01 Aug 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 28fc/12bw
Pages: 180
ISBN: 9789088906015
Pub Date: 06 Aug 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 28fc/12bw
This publication is an exercise in the deconstruction of colonial myths and the creation of a decolonized native Atlantic Leeward historiography.
Una Isla, Dos Mundos Cover Una Isla, Dos Mundos Cover
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9789088905728
Pub Date: 30 Jun 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 43fc / 85 bw
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9789088905711
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 43fc / 85 bw
Para las poblaciones indígenas la llegada de Colon al Caribe en 1492 significó una transformación y reestructuración de su mundo, incluyendo cambios a niveles culturales, sociales, económicos y políticos. En este trabajo se proponen modelos interpretativos sobre la transformación del paisaje indígena al colonial, a través de la aplicación de una investigación arqueológica regional que integró los conceptos de taskscape y paisajes en conflicto con análisis estadísticos y de Sistemas de Información Geográfica para evaluar patrones de distribución de cultura material. Como resultado se pudieron identificar y definir taskscapes indígenas a distintas escalas espaciales, que permitieron el delineamiento del paisaje antes de la llegada de Colón.
Palaeolithic Italy Cover Palaeolithic Italy Cover
Pages: 375
ISBN: 9789088905841
Pub Date: 05 Jun 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 47fc / 56bw
Pages: 375
ISBN: 9789088905834
Pub Date: 05 Jun 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 47fc / 56bw
The picture of the Palaeolithic adaptations in the Italian Peninsula has always been coarse-grained compared to various well-researched regional hotspots in central and western Europe, as a result of historical research bias preventing the application of new research methodologies. Nonetheless, discoveries regarding Neanderthal extinction and behavioural complexity, the dispersal of Anatomically Modern Humans as well as the origin and diffusion of modern technologies and symbolic behaviour in Europe have brought Italy into focus as an ideal region for understanding the evolutionary development of various hominin species that inhabited the continent in the Late Pleistocene. In particular the dynamics of the earliest human peopling of Europe, the reasons and timing of Neanderthals demise and how environmental factors affected human prehistoric behaviour, rates of technological innovation and connectivity of hunter-gatherer groups in Europe.
Debating Religious Space and Place in the Early Medieval World (c. AD 300-1000) Cover Debating Religious Space and Place in the Early Medieval World (c. AD 300-1000) Cover
Pages: 225
ISBN: 9789088904196
Pub Date: 23 May 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 27fc/25bw
Pages: 225
ISBN: 9789088904189
Pub Date: 23 May 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 27fc/25bw
Religious spaces are often some of the most debated, contested, or otherwise scrutinized in the early medieval world. That space and place were important to people in the past is evident in their architecture, artwork, literature, and in their cemeteries and burial grounds. While these observations are not new, this volume brings together interdisciplinary and multi-national archaeologists, historians, and geographers to discuss and debate ‘space’ and ‘place’ with a focus on new methodologies and current approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.
Chariots in Ancient Egypt Cover Chariots in Ancient Egypt Cover
Pages: 590
ISBN: 9789088904677
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: >1000fc
Pages: 590
ISBN: 9789088904660
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: >1000fc
Chariots, the racing cars of the ancient world, first appeared in Egypt about 1600 BC, and quickly became not only the preferred mode of transport for royalty and the elite, but also revolutionised military tactics and warfare. Remains of chariots have been found in Egyptian tombs –Tutankhamun’s tomb contained six chariots, which tripled the number of ancient Egyptian chariots known before the discovery of his tomb. However, none of the chariots was complete, as all lacked their leather casings, which were only known from images on tomb and temple walls.
A Shadow of War Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9789088904547
Pub Date: 30 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: ca 120 fc
This book presents archaeological research from places of war, violence, protest and oppression of the 20th and the 21st century; sites where the material relics give a deep insight to fateful events – a shadow of war. Alongside renewed interest in National Socialism and the Holocaust, archaeological interest started in former concentration camps of the Nazi dictatorship. The focus was on the central places of the camps, such as the gas chambers, the crematoria, or execution sites, as well as prisoners’ barracks and the parade ground.
The Beaker Phenomenon? Cover The Beaker Phenomenon? Cover
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9789088904646
Pub Date: 12 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 45 fc / 110 bw
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9789088904639
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 45 fc / 110 bw
During the mid-third millennium BC, people across Europe started using an international suite of novel material culture including early metalwork and distinctive ceramics known as Beakers. The nature and social significance of this phenomenon, as well as the reasons for its rapid and widespread transmission have been much debated. The adoption of these new ideas and objects in Ireland, Europe’s westernmost island, provides a highly suitable case study in which to investigate these issues.
Exploring Human Nature Cover Exploring Human Nature Cover
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9789088905599
Pub Date: 06 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 42bw/3fc
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9789088905582
Pub Date: 06 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 42bw/3fc
Exploring human nature takes the reader deep into the human experience of being in nature. Our current ecological predicament highlights the need to change people’s nature awareness and behaviour. This pioneering mixed methods study investigates a method to do this through facilitated Solo time in the wilderness.
Manipulations Post-mortem du Corps Humain Cover Manipulations Post-mortem du Corps Humain Cover
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9789088905445
Pub Date: 05 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 88 fc
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9789088905438
Pub Date: 05 Apr 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 88 fc
Human remains resulting from sophisticated mortuary treatments represent a preferred information source about the organization of societies and about the belief systems of ancient people. Thereby, on the archaeological field, secondary deposits, sacred artefacts made of human bones or dismembered burials emerge as precious raw material in order to reconstruct gestures, practices and finally the symbolic discourse built around those dead who are selected to become particular protective entities, perhaps Ancestors. This work includes the study of double-funerals ceremonies and manipulations of human bones in funerary or ritual contexts but also complicated pre-funerals treatments (exposure, dismemberment, mummification) in a transcultural and transchronological perspective.
Reframing Luchino Visconti Cover Reframing Luchino Visconti Cover
Pages: 318
ISBN: 9789088905490
Pub Date: 30 Mar 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: CLUES
Illustrations: 154fc / 191bw
Pages: 318
ISBN: 9789088905483
Pub Date: 30 Mar 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: CLUES
Illustrations: 154fc / 191bw
Reframing Luchino Visconti: Film and Art gives new and unique insights into the roots of the visual vocabulary of one of Italy’s most reputed film authors. It meticulously researches Visconti’s appropriation of European art in his set and costume design, from pictorial citations and the archaeology of the set to the use of portraits and pictorial references in costume design. Yet it also investigates Visconti’s cinematography in combination with his mise-en-scène in terms of staging, framing, mobile framing, and mirroring.
Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie Deel xiv: 1761-1767
Band 2 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 550
ISBN: 9789088905377
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën Grote Serie
Deel XIV in de serie Generale Missiven van de VOC bestaat uit twee banden. Deze bevatten samenvattingen in hedendaags Nederlands en oorspronkelijke citaten van de algemene brieven van Gouverneur-Generaal en Raden in Batavia aan Heren XVII in Nederland. In deze brieven worden de berichten weergegeven ontvangen uit de verschillende kantoren, van Kaapstad in Zuid-Afrika tot Deshima in Japan en van Kharg in de Perzische Golf tot Timor in Oost-Indonesië.
Exorcism, Illness and Demons in an Ancient Near Eastern Context Cover Exorcism, Illness and Demons in an Ancient Near Eastern Context Cover
Pages: 175
ISBN: 9789088905407
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 69bw/55fc
Pages: 175
ISBN: 9789088905391
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2018
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
Illustrations: 69bw/55fc
Papyrus Leiden I 343 + 345 is one of the most extraordinary manuscripts providing a deeper insight into magic and medicine in Ancient Egypt.The main part of the papyrus deals with the ancient Near Eastern disease demon Sāmānu, who is well known from Sumerian and Akkadian incantations and medical texts. In addition, a broad range of other conjurations and spells against any pain and feet swelling are included.