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From 2012 onwards Sidestone books have been published under one of three different imprints: Sidestone Press Academics, Sidestone Press Dissertations and Sidestone Press.
Trophies, Relics and Curios? Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9789088902710
Pub Date: 12 Mar 2015
Imprint: Sidestone Press
The British Missionary movement, which began in earnest in the early 19th century, was one of the most extraordinary movements of the last two centuries, radically transforming the lives of people in large parts of the globe, including in Europe itself.By exploring a range of artefacts, photographs and archival documents that have survived, or emerged from, these transformations, this volume sheds an oblique light on the histories of British Missionaries in Africa and the Pacific, and the ways in which their work is remembered in different parts of the world today.Short contributions describing the histories of particular items, accompanied by rich visual imagery, showcase the extraordinary l items that were caught up in histories of conversion, and are still controversial for many today.
Hajj Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 275
ISBN: 9789088902857
Pub Date: 19 Feb 2015
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Every year, in the last month of the Islamic calendar, millions of Muslims from around the world come together in Mecca to perform the Hajj, the pilgrimage that all capable Muslims should perform at least once in their lives. In 2013, the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden organised the exhibition Longing for Mecca. The Pilgrim’s Journey.
Egyptian Bioarchaeology Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9789088902871
Pub Date: 05 Feb 2015
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Illustrations: 46bw/45fc
Although the bioarchaeology (study of biological remains in an archaeological context) of Egypt has been documented in a desultory way for many decades, it is only recently that it has become an inherent part of excavations in Egypt. This volume consists of a series of essays that explore how ancient plant, animal, and human remains should be studied, and how, when they are integrated with texts, images, and artefacts, they can contribute to our understanding of the history, environment, and culture of ancient Egypt in a holistic manner.Topics covered in this volume relating to human remains include analyses of royal, elite and poor cemeteries of different eras, case studies on specific mummies, identification of different diseases in human remains, an overview of the state of palaeopathology in Egypt, how to analyse burials to establish season of death, the use of bodies to elucidate life stories, the potential of visceral remains in identifying individuals as well as diseases that they might have had, and a protocol for studying mummies.
Black Shank of Tobacco in the Former Dutch East Indies, caused by Phytophthora Nicotianae Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 230
ISBN: 9789088902833
Pub Date: 22 Jan 2015
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Jacob van Breda de Haan is known as the author of the name Phytophthora nicotianae n.sp., the causal agent of ‘black shank’, an important disease of tobacco.
Mercados de la Mixteca Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9789088902895
Pub Date: 20 Jan 2015
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Los mercados de la Mixteca son colectividades vibrantes y dinámicas que funcionan y forman parte del macrocontexto de la globalización, desde el consumismo hasta el movimiento mundial de productos y personas. Por lo general, la historia económica más formal deja mudos a los actores que definen esta economía: los comerciantes. Por medio de sus relatos, este libro documenta una historia informal que ha sido poco registrada.
De archeologische schatkamer Maaskant Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 468
ISBN: 9789088902253
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
This books present papers on the archaeology of the region between the river Meuse and the city of Oss (Netherlands), locally known as the "Maaskant". The papers presented in this volume discuss the period from 3000 BC until 1500 AD. The wealth of archaeological data from this region indicated this part of the Netherlands was inhabited by early farmers already 5000 years ago.
Archéologie caraïbe Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 364
ISBN: 9789088902918
Pub Date: 20 Dec 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
La notion d’« espace » est un concept clé de la disciple archéologique. Les vestiges mobiliers ou immobiliers trouvés en fouille sont les reflets matériels des aspects politiques, sociaux, économiques et culturels des populations étudiées. De fait, l’espace archéologique est socialement construit.
Vergeten' Bandkeramiek Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 652
ISBN: 9789088902246
Pub Date: 15 Dec 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis.
Mobile Community Reporting Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789088902406
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Almost everyone in Africa knows a mobile phone, the most widespread communication technology on the continent. That technology started as a voice-only tool before integrating other functions such as messaging, sound and image recording and many others. This book is about ways in which some of those new functions are giving a new face to the field and practice of journalism.
Quaternary Research in Britain and Ireland" Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9789088902574
Pub Date: 10 Dec 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
During the later part of the last century there was rapid development of the study and understanding of the changing environments of the last 2 million years. This came to provide a firm background for today’s knowledge of the significance and importance of climatic change. Interdisciplinary research has been a prominent, if not essential, contributor to the successes achieved.
The Voyages of Adriaan van Berkel to Guiana Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9789088902635
Pub Date: 05 Dec 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
This book is a reissue of the travelogue of Adriaan van Berkel, first published in 1695 by Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. The first part deals with Van Berkel’s adventures in the Dutch colony located on the Berbice River in the Guianas; the second part is a description of Surinam, the adjacent colony the Dutch took over from the British in 1667.This reissue, edited by Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman and Lodewijk Wagenaar, contains a new annotated English translation as well as an integral rendition of the original Dutch text.
Schliemann and the California Gold Rush Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9789088902550
Pub Date: 06 Nov 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
In this second part of The Schliemann Diaries we follow Heinrich Schliemann (the famous 19th century archaeologist, trader and traveller) through his diary on his second journey: his travels to America from December 1850 to March 1853. The original diary was written in English and for a small part in Spanish. This publication is a transcription and translation of Schliemann’s travel diary.
Breaking with Tradition Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 204
ISBN: 9789088902758
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Over 150 years of research in the Circum-Alpine region have produced a vast amount of data on the lakeshore and wetland settlements found throughout the area. Particularly in the northern region, dendrochronological studies have provided highly accurate sequences of occupation, which have correlated, in turn, to palaeoclimatic reconstructions in the area. The result has been the general conclusion that the lake-dwelling tradition was governed by climatic factors, with communities abandoning the lakeshore during periods of inclement conditions, and returning when the climate was more favourable.
Het Groot Profielenboek Cover
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789088902734
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
In de archeologische praktijk wordt veel van de archeoloog in het veld gevraagd. Hij/zij is het welbekende schaap met de vijf poten. Naast de dagelijkse bureaucratische rompslomp blijft helaas vaak te weinig tijd over voor de archeologische inhoudelijke kant van het werk en dan dient de veldarcheoloog zich ook nog eens bezig te houden met “het profiel”.
Metaaltijden 1 Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 164
ISBN: 9789088902499
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
Series: Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 1e Nederlandse Metaaltijdendag, gehouden op 18 oktober 2013. Hierbij werd een rijke doorsnede aan recent metaaltijdenonderzoek gepresenteerd, dat nu in schriftelijke vorm het licht ziet. Deze bundel bevat bijdragen over het grafritueel, de materiële cultuur, nederzettingspatronen en depositiepatronen van gemeenschappen uit de metaaltijden (brons- en ijzertijd) van Nederland.
Experiments Past Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 275
ISBN: 9789088902512
Pub Date: 13 Oct 2014
Imprint: Sidestone Press
With Experiments Past the important role that experimental archaeology has played in the development of archaeology is finally uncovered and understood. Experimental archaeology is a method to attempt to replicate archaeological artefacts and/or processes to test certain hypotheses or discover information about those artefacts and/or processes. It has been a key part of archaeology for well over a century, but such experiments are often embedded in wider research, conducted in isolation or never published or reported.