University of Pittsburgh Press
The University of Pittsburgh Press is a publisher with distinguished lists in a wide range of scholarly and cultural fields. They publish books for general readers, scholars, and students. The Press focuses on selected academic areas: Latin American studies, Russian and East European studies, Central Asian studies, composition and literacy studies, environmental studies, urban studies, the history of architecture and the built environment, and the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine. Their books about Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania include history, art, architecture, photography, biography, fiction, and guidebooks.

Their renowned Pitt Poetry Series represents many of the finest poets active today, as reflected in the many prestigious awards their work has garnered over the past four decades. In addition, the Press is home to the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize, the Donald Hall Prize for Poetry, and, in rotation with other university presses, the Cave Canem Poetry Prize. They sponsor the prestigious Drue Heinz Literature Prize, which recognises the finest collective works of short fiction available in an international competition.

Practicing Writing

The Postwar Discourse of Freshman English
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822961574
Pub Date: 01 Nov 2004
Practicing Writing examines a pivotal era in the history of the most ubiquitous-and possibly most problematic-course in North American colleges and universities: the requireAd first-year writing course generally known as \u201cfreshman English.\u201d Thomas Masters's focus is the mid-twentieth century, beginning with the returning waves of World War II veterans attending college on the GI Bill. He then traces the education reforms that took place in the late 1950s after the launch of Sputnik and the establishment of composition as a separate discipline in 1963.

Dancing Identity

Metaphysics In Motion
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780822963004
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2004
Combining critical analysis with personal history and poetry, Dancing Identity presents a series of interconnected essays composed over a period of fifteen years. Taken as a whole, these meditative reflections on memory and on the ways we perceive and construct our lives represent Sondra Fraleigh's journey toward self-definition as informed by art, ritual, feminism, phenomenology, poetry, autobiography, and-always-dance.Fraleigh's brilliantly inventive fusions of philosophy and movement clarify often complex philosophical issues and apply them to dance history and aesthetics.
Bring Your Legs with You Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780822962489
Pub Date: 31 Oct 2004
Series: Drue Heinz Literature Prize
A boxer who brings his legs with him comes to the ring with the strength and stamina to make it through every round of a tough fight. In this new collection, winner of the prestigious Drue Heinz Literature Prize, Darrell Spencer delivers fiction with just that kind of power. Bring Your Legs with You contains nine interconnected stories set in Las Vegas.
Breaking The Backcountry Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
ISBN: 9780822958659
Pub Date: 17 Oct 2004
Even as the 250th anniversary of its outbreak approaches, the Seven Years' War (otherwise known as the French and Indian War) is still not wholly understood. Most accounts tell the story as a military struggle between British and French forces, with shifting alliances of Indians, culminating in the British conquest of Canada. Scholarly and popular works alike, including James Fennimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans, focus on the action in the Hudson River Valley and the St.

High Water Mark

Prose Poems
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9780822958581
Pub Date: 03 Oct 2004
Everyday mindreading, a house full of Buddhas, and the papaya scent of the soul. An interview with Custer at a place of his choosing, “probably a steakhouse.” The ability of dogs to smell the uncool.


Format: Paperback
Pages: 72
ISBN: 9780822958604
Pub Date: 26 Sep 2004
Controvertibles features more of the refined brilliance and delicate lyricism of this poet, cast in a more meditative mode. Throughout, she examines cultural objects by lifting them out of their usual settings and repositioning them in front of new, disparate backdrops. Doug Flutie's famous Hail Mary pass and Rutger Hauer's role in Blade Runner are contextualized within the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Conversations With Maida Springer

A Personal History Of Labor, Race, and International Relations
Format: Hardback
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9780822942313
Pub Date: 29 Aug 2004
Born in Panama in 1910, Maida Springer grew up in Harlem. While still a young girl she learned firsthand of the bleak employment options available to African American females of her time. After one employer closed his garment shop and ran off with the workers' wages in the midst of the Depression, Springer joined Local 22 of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.

Enduring Controversies in Presidential Nominating Politics

Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
ISBN: 9780822958499
Pub Date: 29 Aug 2004
Enduring Controversies in Presidential Nominating Politics retraces the more than two hundred-year history of presidential elections in the United States to provide a primer on how the process has evolved from the days of the founders, through the heyday of nominating conventions, to today\u2019s overwhelming interest in early primaries.Original essays by the editors introduce, critique, and occasionally even refute a wide variety of historical readings including Alexander Hamilton\u2019s defense of election procedures, excerpts of individual states\u2019 nominations of candidates in 1824, an overview of the impact television has had on nominating conventions, and calls for a national rotating primary scheme in 2004. As a whole, the collection reveals the common threads that run through the history of the nominating process, and points out that today\u2019s litany of complaints is not at all new.

Maida Springer

Pan Africanist And International Labor Leader
Format: Paperback
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780822958512
Pub Date: 29 Aug 2004
Maida Springer was an active participant in shaping a history that involved powerful movements for social, political and economic equality and justice for workers women, and African Americans. Maida Springer is the first full-length biography to document and analyze the central role played by Springer in international affairs, particularly in the formation of AFL-CIO’s African policy during the Cold War and African independence movements.Richards explores the ways in which pan-Africanism, racism, sexism and anti-Communism affected Springer’s political development, her labor activism, and her relationship with labor leaders in the AFL-CIO, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), and in African unions.

Becoming Europe

Immigration Integration And The Welfare State
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780822958451
Pub Date: 22 Aug 2004
Across Europe, millions of immigrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers have often had difficulties fitting into their new societies. Most analysts have laid the blame on a clash of cultures. Becoming Europe provides evidence that institutions matter more than culture in determining the shape of ethnic relations.

Formal Logic

A Philosophical Approach
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822958475
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2004
Many texts on logic are written with a mathematical emphasis, and focus primarily on the development of a formal apparatus and associated techniques. In other, more philosophical texts, the topic is often presented as an indulgent collection of musings on issues for which technical solutions have long since been devised.What has been missing until now is an attempt to unite the motives underlying both approaches.
Readings On Laws Of Nature Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9780822958529
Pub Date: 15 Aug 2004
As a subject of inquiry, laws of nature exist in the overlap between metaphysics and the philosophy of science. Over the past three decades, this area of study has become increasingly central to the philosophy of science. It also has relevance to a variety of topics in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and epistemology.

About Three Bricks Shy

And The Load Filled Up
Format: Paperback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9780822958345
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2004
Thirtieth Anniversary EditionAny number of writers could spend an entire season with an NFL team, from the first day of training camp until the last pick of the draft, and come up with an interesting book. But only Roy Blount Jr. could capture the pain, the joy, the fears, the humor—in short, the heart—of a championship team.

Limits Of Protectionism, The

Building Coalitions for Free Trade
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780822958437
Pub Date: 25 Jul 2004
Conventional wisdom holds that free trade is economically beneficial to nations. But this does not prevent industries and interest groups from lobbying their governments for protection, which creates a fear of electoral backlash among politicians hoping to promote free trade. The Limits of Protectionism demonstrates how governments can attain those economic benefits while avoiding the political costs.

Corpus Delicti, The

A Manual of Argentine Fictions
Format: Paperback
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780822961956
Pub Date: 30 May 2004
Series: Illuminations
An intellectual tour de force from one of today’s leading critics of Latin American literature and culture, The Corpus Delicti (The Body of Crime) is a manual of crime, a compendium of crime tales, and an extended meditation on the central role of crime in literature, in life, and in the life of the nation. Drawing her examples from canonical texts, popular novels, newspaper serials, and more, Josefina Ludmer captures the wide range of Argentine crime stories and detective fiction from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She offers more than a mere genre study, examining the relationship of crime and punishment to the formation of law, the body, and the modern state, exposing the ways in which literature—both high art and mass culture—can help construct, not just represent, social reality.

Rockin Las Americas

The Global Politics Of Rock In Latin/o America
Format: Paperback
Pages: 432
ISBN: 9780822958413
Pub Date: 23 May 2004
Series: Illuminations
Every nation in the Americas—from indigenous Peru to revolutionary Cuba—has been touched by the cultural and musical impact of rock. Rockin\u2019 Las Am\u00e9ricas is the first book to explore the production, dissemination, and consumption of rock music throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, Brazil, the Andes, and the Southern Cone as well as among Latinos in the United States.The contributors include experts in music, history, literature, culture, sociology, and anthropology, as well as practicing rockeros and rockeras.