Veritas is a leading religious publisher and retailer in Ireland, dedicated to promoting the Catholic faith through their publications and stores. They publish more than twenty books annually, covering a range of topics including theology, scripture, prayer, spirituality, parenting, counselling, children's issues, social commentary, and liturgical resources. The Beehive Books imprint features a selection of non-fiction and children's titles. Veritas is also a trusted publisher of religious education texts for primary and post-primary schools, which are widely used throughout Ireland. Veritas’ origins lie with the Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, which was founded in 1899 to publish and distribute a range of religious material to the Irish people. Veritas Publications came into existence in 1969, its first title being Patrick in His Own Words by Bishop Joseph Duffy.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781853909924
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
The Future of Europe: Uniting Vision, Values and Citizens? explores many of the key issues now facing the EU: Is there a European identity? What does it mean to be a European citizen?
What role can Christian values play in furthering European integration? Faced with massive global inequalities, how is the EU responding to the challenges of development, migration and asylum? Can Europe's leaders provide an adequate response to the widespread sense that 'Brussels' is distant from and indifferent to the needs and concerns of ordinary people? The contributors to
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781853909993
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
When Sister Eucharia Keane came to the village of Corofin, Co. Clare in 1981 she set in motion a ministry of spiritual and social care that left an indelible mark on locals and visitors alike. This long-lasting impact now finds voice in this collection of memories and stories from those who knew her best.
Eucharia embodied the message of Julian of Norwich, in that 'All will be well and all manner of things will be well'. As a compilation of her teachings and an insight into her deep spiritual life, The Ever-Open Door: Memories succeeds in spreading the personal message of Sister Eucharia.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9781853909245
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
This book,Compiled by Brenda Drumm, brings together the Papal World Communications Day messages of Popes Paul IV, John Paul II and Benedict XVI over the past 40 years and some of the key church documents on social communications issued duing that period. It reminds us of the amazing changes and developements that have taken place in social communications over the years and the challenge they present to the Church in its responsability to present Christs face and voice in a new millenium of global communications. It is a very timely resource book.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781853909405
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
Planning for a wedding requires careful organisation and effort. It is easy for the couple to be so caught up in the practical details of the reception and invitations that they lose sight of the most important element of the big day - the ceremony itself. In On the Way To The Wedding Elizabeth Hughes provides information and details of options available as you design a service to suit your particular needs.
The book offers the long and short form of the marriage ceremony in the Roman Catholic, Church of England, Church of Ireland and Methodist traditions. There are sixteen sample marriage ceremonies, which can be adapted for any form of service. They explore such themes as fidelity, maturity, trust and commitment through prayer and Scripture. Readings and poems are provided to help you make your paritcular wedding day memorable. On the Way To The Wedding also includes services prepared for couples to mark a significant anniversary, making this the ideal book for those celebrating their married life as well as those planning their wedding day.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 174
ISBN: 9781847300034
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
A collection of reflections on ministry in contemporary Irish Culture, offering practical approaches to evangelisation, justice and communion. The author writes from a context of working with others honestly and respectfully, knowing that somewhere among us the Spirit is active. He intends for these reflections to go back into that context, not as finished articles, but as contributions to an ongoing story of pastoral trial and error.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 72
ISBN: 9781853909689
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
A compilation of some favorite and famous prayers designed to aid and comfort in times of need. With a foreword by Archbishop Robin Eames and contributions from President Mary McAleese and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, among others, this prayer book has been compiled for those experiencing times of distress or illness and those who care for them and pray with them. Illuminated by illustrations from Marie Calvert as well as images from The Six Days of Creation, Chester Cathedral's beautiful stained glass window, Looking Through Glass hopes to impart on all those who share in its message a sense of healing and prayerful peace.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 102
ISBN: 9781853909429
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
Everyone can exercise leadership whether or not they are in a position of authority. High-Quality Leadership: A Self-Assessment Guide for Individuals and Teams enables people to assess their own leadership qualities and gives guidance on how to lead effectively whether individually or as part of a pastoral council or parish team. Each chapter contains a brief section on the theoretical aspects of leadership along with a set of questions that help individuals and groups to assess their skills in this area.
As well as examining leadership at both an individual and a group level, this approach also looks at their leadership in the context of change and liberation. In particular, it explores the implications for leadership of working with diverse groups of people, with different social identities (e.g. age, gender, culture, nationality, class and so on), facing issues of inequality, marginalisation and oppression. It lays stress on the key role of leadership as a resource for liberation.The guide also highlights practical issues and difficulties around such processes as authority, decision making, conflict resolution, attacks, listening and influencing.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9781853909849
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
Dr Gail Freynes Care, Justice & Gender is one of the freshest, most enlightening contributions to feminist theory and marriage counselling now available. It enables both counsellors and couples alike to recognize the missing link between what makes for a troubled marriage and what constitutes an emotionally satisfying relationship. This is a book for those who want to understand marriage from both sides.
This is a book for women and for men. It helps women understand their own emotional responses to marital conflict. It enables men to understand what women really want. Most of all, it helps both women and men to see what theyre each missing in the institution of marriage as we now know it. Care, Justice & Gender belongs on the shelf of every married couple and counsellor in the field. Gail Grossman Freyne is a solicitor, a psychotherapist and a mediator. But it is also her feel for the human situation of troubled marriages that enables her to chart a way to the win/win of a satisfying relationship. In her book "family values" get a freshness they seemed to have lost.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 36
ISBN: 9781853909085
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
Angels for Little People is the story of two guardian angels and their baby sister who each have a special child to watch over. The book explores the notion of angels being close and surrounding children with love. It discusses the concept of prayer and the reason why angels exist.
At the end of the story the young reader is invited to say a prayer with the angels and so it encourages children along the road of quiet reflection and thankfulness.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 110
ISBN: 9781853909825
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2006
The inability to deal with substance misuse is a universal human problem. No country has discovered a fail-safe way of tackling it. In Ireland there is an annual public outcry about an ever-deepening drinking culture but once the outcry is over the problem subsides below consciousness.
Strategies are created and launched but quickly forgotten. Everybody is aware of the problem in their own family or neighbourhood and everybody has their own opinions on causes and remedies. Jack Houlahan suggests that exploring the pattern underlying all substance use provides our best starting point.In A Ghost in Daylight: Making Sense of Substance misuse, the general reader will find many popular stereotypes re-examined in a way that will illuminate their own experience; the specialist addiction worker of researcher will find reason to challenge first principles; a new approach to counseling and advice work is suggested; the policy maker will find a firm foundation for what will be the first attempt at an integrated policy for dealing with the range of issues we group under the title substance misuse.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 134
ISBN: 9781853908637
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
This book is the result of a partnership research initiative between Limerick Travellers Development Group and Mary Immaculate College, Limerick in which four Traveller women were trained to conduct a qualitative educational study with Traveller children. Through a series of one-to-one interviews, a small group of primary school Traveller children were invited to chat about home and school. The Traveller childrens experience of school was a particular focus of the study.
In Part One the Traveller researchers talk about their experience of participating in this unique project. Part Two covers the setting up of the research programme, the development of the process and a description of the study. Finally Part Three presents the research data, followed by an interpretative commentary and offers a series of recommendations.What is outlined in this report represents a small but significant beginning in the training of a group of local Traveller researchers. It is hoped that in making the limitations and successes of the process available to a public audience, other Traveller Community Development groups may be encouraged to engage with similar educational research endeavours.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 174
ISBN: 9781853909955
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
Think Big, Act Small' is about collaboration. Its origins are in a process which began with a parish mission in the year 2000, leading to a parish survey, a parish assembly and the setting up of a parish pastoral council. The book records the induction and formation process associated with the development of the pastoral council, and the effort to extend the collaborative dynamic to more and more people within the parish community.
It is not only the activities which are documented, but the thinking which inspired them. This is what makes the book valuable as a pattern for others to explore in their own context. This book offers heart and hope for all of us who are fearful of new journeys. It is good to hear an account of some who have gone ahead of us and give us a clear sense that the journey is possible. ?Be not afraid? is their message.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781853905247
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
Many artists over the centuries have interpreted in their varied ways the events the last journey of Jesus, which the Stations of the Cross bring to our mind. In this little book Frances Biggs does this through her own imaginative reliving of the Passion. In his text Fr Neary reflects on Frances art, on the Stations, and the way in which Jesus still lives His passion and death today.
Seeing the place in this way was at the heart of St Ignatiuss own spiritual exercises. Intended, of course, for private prayer, this book may also be of some assistance to groups making the Stations on Good Friday. - Peter Costello, The Irish Catholic, 26 March 2009
Scandalous Saints & Spirited Sinners
Format: Paperback
Pages: 64
ISBN: 9781853908965
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
Saints can seem remote and distant, close to God but far from people. But theyre more like us than we give them credit for. Their lives were like ours, full of dilemmas and struggles, with bad choices as well as good.
But their goodness won out in the end, as ours can. Interest in angels is quite popular at the moment, but it is the saints who are really like us in both their strengths and frailties. Youll find their stories here, told simply and briefly, with cartoons throughout. Theres a saint for every week of the year, and a list of patrons , find out why Clare is the patron saint of television or how Andrew came to be patron saint of Scotland. Who knows , you may even find your own personal saint to pray to!
Format: Paperback
Pages: 170
ISBN: 9781853908866
Pub Date: 31 Dec 2005
This book offers a light-hearted and accessible look at the benefits as well as the trials of growing older.