An insight into Cold War espionage through the life and career of Karl-Heinz Kurras, a notorious Stasi spy. Written by expert Sven Felix Kellerhoff, this is was one of the GDR’s best kept secrets…until now.[…]
Science Fiction and Leadership
What can we learn about leadership from the world of science fiction? A lot, according to Jonathan Klug and Steven Leonard, editors of To Boldly Go. Here, they turn to Star Trek to understand why[…]
The Formation of the Volkssturm
Simon Forty, author of ‘Red Army Into The Reich’, provides a visual explanation of the formation of the Volksstrum in WWII, with direct quotes from history’s most reviled figure. As the Russian and Western forces[…]
The Unsung Heroes of WWII’s Atlantic Campaign
This week, Brian Walter, author of The Longest Campaign, shines the spotlight on not one individual, but the collective seamen and airman who served during WWII’s Atlantic Campaign. Who do you think is history’s most[…]
WWII Is Over (Well, For Some…)
In anticipation of his new book, Red Army Into The Reich, author and historian Simon Forty gives us an in-depth, visual tour of the last days of WWII on the Eastern Front – a perspective[…]
The Inspiration Behind ‘The Commandos’
How much is historical fiction based on history? In four short questions, we ask author Richard Camp just how much his new WWII novel was inspired by real events and his own experience as a[…]
History’s Unsung Hero: Admiral Ramsay
Brian Izzard wrote the first biography on the mastermind of the Dunkirk evacuation and D-Day landings: Admiral Bertram Ramsey. Before then, very little was known about this extraordinary man. Today, that changes. There were several[…]
The Inspiration Behind ‘Splinter On The Tide’
Author and navy veteran Phillip Parotti has written an exhilarating, navy-based novel set in WWII, a war he experienced as a little boy. From submarine chases to love letters from those left behind, this book[…]
The Olympic Games: The Origin
The long-awaited Olympics 2021 is finally happening. To celebrate, authors John Martino and Michael O’Kane are harking back to the origin of the games. From chariot racing to ancient Pankration wrestling, find out where your[…]