University Press of Kentucky
University Press of Kentucky has a dual mission—the publication of academic books of high scholarly merit in a variety of fields and the publication of significant books about the history and culture of Kentucky, the Ohio Valley region, the Upper South, and Appalachia. The Press is the statewide nonprofit scholarly publisher for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, serving all Kentucky state-sponsored institutions of higher learning as well as seven private colleges and Kentucky’s two major historical societies.
Grand Plans Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780813116532
Pub Date: 30 Jun 1988
Illustrations: illus
Scholars may have widely differing views of the Progressive Era, but all see business as holding the key to the reforms of that period. In this new book Judith Sealander amplifies our understanding of the relationship between business leaders and reform through a detailed examination of Dayton and the Miami Valley of Ohio. She focuses specifically on four progressive projects that made this nine-county region nationally known as a center for reform activism.
Gwendolyn Brooks Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780813101804
Pub Date: 21 Jun 1988
Illustrations: illus
Gwendolyn Brooks is one of the major American poets of this century and the first black woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry (1950). Yet far less critical attention has focused on her work than on that of her peers.In this comprehensive biocritical study, Melhem -- herself a poet and critic -- traces the development of Brooks's poetry over four decades, from such early works as A Street in Bronzeville, Annie Allen, and The Bean Eaters, to the more recent In the Mecca, Riot, and To Disembark.
The Public Papers of Governor Simeon Willis, 1943-1947 Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 424
ISBN: 9780813106076
Pub Date: 19 May 1988
Series: Public Papers of the Governors of Kentucky
Illustrations: photo
During the period from 1931 to 1967 -- thirty-six years -- Kentuckians elected only one Republican as governor of the Commonwealth. Yet that man, a former justice of the state's highest court, seldom appears as other than a footnote in the standard histories. That is unfortunate, for Simeon Willis of Ashland made a fine record as governor, assuming the office during World War II and leaving it strengthened in a postwar world.
The Papers of Henry Clay Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 976
ISBN: 9780813100593
Pub Date: 05 Apr 1988
The Papers of Henry Clay span the crucial first half of the nineteenth century in American history. Few men in his time were so intimately concerned with the formation of national policy, and few influenced so profoundly the growth of American political institutions.The year 1837 found Henry Clay hard at work in a successful effort to organize and strengthen the new Whig party.
Up Cutshin and Down Greasy Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9780813101767
Pub Date: 22 Mar 1988
Illustrations: illus
Along the isolated headwaters of the Kentucky River -- Cutshin and Greasy creeks -- folklorist Leonard Roberts found the Couches, a remarkable mountain family of gifted memory and imagination. For half a century they had preserved the traditional ways of their forebears -- the farming methods, the household arts, and the games, ballads, dances, and tales that were their chief entertainment.In Up Cutshin and Down Greasy, brothers Dave and Jim Couch, born about the turn of the century, recall clearly their childhood days on Sang Branch of Greasy and Clover Fork of Big Leatherwood.
Divided Fictions Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780813116334
Pub Date: 22 Jan 1988
Today Fanny Burney's venture into authorship would not be questionable. She was, after all, a daughter of a celebrated musician, and the Burney family was know to the circle of Samuel Johnson and Hester Thrale. Yet as Kristina Straub ably shows, the public recognition which followed the publication of her first novel placed Fanny Burney in a situation of disturbing ambiguity.
Kentucky Place Names Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 398
ISBN: 9780813101798
Pub Date: 04 Jan 1988
Illustrations: map
" From the wealth of place names in Kentucky, Rennick has selected those of some 2,000 communities and post offices. These places are usually the largest, the best known, or the most important as well as those with unusual or inherently interesting names. Including perhaps one-fourth of all such places known in the state, the names were chosen as a representative sample among Kentucky's counties and sections.
The Kentuckians Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780813101774
Pub Date: 04 Jan 1988
The Kentuckians of Janice Holt Giles's title were that hardy band of angels who straggled through Cumberland Gap in the 1770s and carved their farms from the wilderness of Virginia's westernmost country. In her historical novel, first published in 1953, Giles invited the reader to experience the danger and beauty of life on the American frontier.Many of the frontiersmen were hunters in search of escape from an ever-advancing civilization, seeking freedom and space.
What My Heart Wants To Tell Cover
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780813101743
Pub Date: 04 Jan 1988
"God knew that it would take brave and sturdy people to survive in these beautiful but rugged hills. So He sent us His very strongest men and women." So begins the heartwarming story of Verna Mae and her father, Isom B.
Pious Brief Narrative in Medieval Castilian and Galician Verse Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9780813113814
Pub Date: 31 Dec 1987
Series: Studies in Romance Languages
"Brief narratives," or medieval precursors to the modern short story, are compositions couched in the form of a tale of reasonable short length. They began with writings in Latin and, eventually, made their way into the vernacular languages of Europe. They include the fable, the apologue, the exemplum, the saint's life, the miracle, the biography, the adventure tale, the romance, the jest, and the anecdote, among others.
Domestick Privacies Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780813116129
Pub Date: 03 Aug 1987
Biography was Samuel Johnson's favorite among literary genres, and his Lives of the Poets is often regarded as the capstone of his career. The central place of biography in his oeuvre is explored in this collection of nine original essays by leading Johnson scholars. Varied in their focus and approach, the essays range from a philosophical overview of Johnson's notion of the relation between life and art, to a detailed reading of the Life of Milton, to a speculation on the value of the Lives in the classroom.
Western Kentucky University Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 376
ISBN: 9780813116204
Pub Date: 15 May 1987
Most Hilltoppers believe that Western Kentucky University is unique. They take pride in its lovely campus, its friendly spirit, the loyalty of its alumni, and its academic and athletic achievements. But Western's development also illustrates a major trend in American higher education during the past century.
Coal In Appalachia Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780813115771
Pub Date: 02 Oct 1986
Illustrations: tables
Coal, the nation's most abundant fossil fuel and the only one that is exported, represents one of our most valuable natural resources. This study undertakes a thorough review of the economics of the Appalachian coal industry. It establishes, first of all, the international framework within which the American and the Appalachian coal industry function.
A Kentucky Album Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780813115634
Pub Date: 14 Jul 1986
Illustrations: 129 duotones
Sulky races at the Mercer County Fair, church suppers, sorghum making, shooting marbles in the school yard, housing tobacco, loafing at the courthouse -- here are 129 beautifully reproduced images of who we were as Kentuckians not so long ago -- during the Depression and the early years of World War II.This collection is part of the remarkable series of photos shot for the Farm Security Administration -- more than 125,000 photographs taken over a period of nine years by some of the best American photographers of the time, including Ben Shahn, Marion Post Wolcott, Russell Lee, John Vachon, and Arthur Rothstein.To reintroduce us to that important slice of our history, Beverly Brannan and David Horvath have selected a rich sampling from among several thousand photos taken in Kentucky for the FSA.
OPEC Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780813115528
Pub Date: 11 Feb 1986
Illustrations: tables, map
A glut of oil, dropping prices, the threat of insolvency, a divided membership -- these developments in the early weeks of 1985 underline the cogency of Mohammed Ahrari's historical study of the OPEC oil cartel and his argument that economic forces, not politics, determine OPEC's action in the world arena.The impetus for the formation of OPEC in 1960 was the desire of the oil-producing states for greater income from their most valuable resource. The international oil corporations had secured lucrative concessions early in this century, and in the 1960s they still dictated both the terms of production and the prices paid the oil states.
The Life of the Parties Cover
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9780813115597
Pub Date: 07 Feb 1986
Illustrations: tables
Commentators, especially since the Democratic party reforms following 1968, have expressed serious concerns about the role of party activists in the American political system. Have they become so concerned with ideological purity that they are unable to nominate strong candidates? Are activists loyal only to particular interest groups, with little concern for the parties as institutions?